Where Have All the Adults Gone?        

 Where Have All the Adults Gone?        

This is an article I wrote in 2005 as one mother’s thoughts and experience with setting boundaries for her 3 year old daughter. Many people have written to say how much they benefited from my comments that I thought I would re-blog it now…. Would love...
Danyah’s Top Ten Tips for Storytelling with Children

Danyah’s Top Ten Tips for Storytelling with Children

Danyah’s top tips for storytelling with children appeared in The Guardian on Monday 6th October 2014 to mark School Libraries Celebration Day 1. Storytelling is very important for our children today, they need it more than ever. Stories feed our sense of self, wonder,...
Is it smart to give our children phones and gadgets?…..

Is it smart to give our children phones and gadgets?…..

Are we doing our young children a disservice by providing them with smart phones; electronic games; computers; TV’s and iPods? We are offering them ‘passive’ opportunities and instead of these devices serving them, many children are becoming their slaves, unable to...
How did I get here?

How did I get here?

As a child I was a dreamer. I dreamt of being a Blue Peter presenter, a stilt-walker, an acrobat. I also chatted and chatted, often to the frustration and anger of my teachers. I wanted to be on stage. I also remember wondering “What is it that makes me, me? Who am...


‘The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see’Alexandra K Trenfor My friend sent me this quote on Friday just as I arrived at International School of Storytelling to lead a workshop, In Heart and Mind, for people who work with...